Whenusing the website, we maycollectcertainpersonalinformation, such as name, email address, telephonenumber, etc. Thisinformationisvoluntarilyprovided by users in order to usecertainfunctionsorcontactus.
We mayalsoautomaticallycollectcertaintechnicalinformation, such as IP address, browserinformation, operating system, etc., for statisticalanalysis, siteadministration, and userexperienceimprovement.
Use of personal data:
The personalinformation we collectmay be used to answerquestions, provideinformationaboutour products or services, processtransactions, managesubscriptions, etc.
We mayalsousepersonal data to customizecontent and advertising, improveourwebsite, analyze data and conduct market research.
Sharingpersonal data:
We do not sell, trade orsharepersonal data with third partieswithout the express consent of users, unlessitisrequired by law orresults from legalobligations.
We mayusesubcontractorsor service providerswhoprocesspersonal data on ourbehalf in accordance with ourinstructions and orders.
Data security:
We havetakenappropriatetechnical and organizationalmeasures to protectpersonal data againstloss, unauthorizedaccess, use, alterationordisclosure.
However, we cannotguaranteecomplete data security as no method of transmittingorstoring data over the Internet iscompletelysecure.
Ourwebsitemayusecookies and similartrackingtechnologies to provide a betteruserexperience, contentpersonalization, trafficanalysis and advertising.
Usershave the ability to manage cookie settingsthroughbrowsersettings. Moreinformation on thiscan be found in our cookie policy.
Links to otherwebsites:
Ourwebsitemaycontainlinks to otherwebsitesthatare independent of us. We are not responsible for the contentorprivacypractices of thesesites. We encourageusers to read the privacypolicies of thesesitesbeforeusingthem.
Changes to the privacy policy:
We reserve the right to makechanges to ourprivacy policy atanytime. Thesechangeswill be posted on ourwebsite and userswill be notified of materialchangeswhererequired by law. Thisprivacy policy sets out ourpoliciesregarding the collection, use and protection of yourpersonalinformation. We encourageyou to readitbeforeusingourwebsite.